More than 50 million people in the United States annually experience hair loss. Many potential therapies might help, but there is no known cure. Fortunately, electrostimulation might change that.

If you ever have undergone electrostimulation as part of a physical therapy regimen, you understand how electrostimulation works. An electrical current floods the targeted area, which helps to flood the area with red blood cells and oxygen while forcing toxins out of damaged soft tissue and bone.

Electrostimulation similarly might help to regenerate dormant hair follicles and enable them to produce hair once again. Medical researchers are showing good results with electrostimulation and are developing medical gear that could enable you to perform the therapy yourself.

How Electrostimulation Could Promote Natural Hair Growth

Electrical stimulation can cause a biological response called electrotrichogenesis (ETG). That is a very scientific way of saying a low-level electrical current can help to stimulate dormant hair follicles and encourage them to produce hair once again.

ETG causes virtually no soft tissue damage, which is good because hair follicles are easy to damage. Instead of causing damage, the ETG causes bodily fluids that carry calcium ions and oxygen to the hair follicles. The follicles react with a greater ability to combine natural proteins and cells which can lead to hair growth.

With electrostimulation zeroing in on hair follicles and flooding them with beneficial fluids, the potential for regenerating hair is remarkable. The development of self-activated ETG treatments just might unlock the secret to an actual follicle regeneration.

Wearable ETG Device Might Deliver Effective Therapy

Among the more exciting aspects of potential ETG therapy is that you can provide your own treatments. Medical researchers are developing wearable technology that would provide you with the necessary level of electrostimulation to obtain the beneficial results of ETG treatment.

Recent tests on lab mice have shown promising results that many researchers say could be duplicated in humans. A motion-activated device would deliver the electrostimulation treatment where and when you want it. A type of wearable cap likely would be created for human use, but further investigation is needed to perfect the system.

The devices are proving to be effective in lab mice. The next step is to fine-tune the system while making it available for human use.