Goosebumps are caused by the tiniest muscle contractions in the skin, which raise the hair follicles and spiky hair begins to form. This is an uncontrollable response of skin muscles that is mediated by the sympathetic nervous system. Harvard researchers discovered in a recent study that the cells that promote hair development are the same ones that generate goosebumps. Experts have apparently figured out the potential explanation: that the types of cells triggering the goosebumps are crucial for controlling the stem cells that rejuvenate the hair follicle and hair growth.

The muscle that flexes beneath the skin to cause goosebumps is essential for bridging the sympathetic nerve’s linkage to the hair follicle. The sympathetic nerve responds to temperature by a relatively brief muscular contraction that can also lead to goosebumps in certain situations. Furthermore, in the long term, this system supports the stimulation of hair follicle stem cells and eventually helps in the growth of new hair. The results of the research, which were reported in the journal Cell, help scientists truly understand how different kinds of cells correspond to stem cell function with alterations in external conditions.

The skin is an interesting organ because it is open to the outside environment and yet connected to the human body, responding to every action through numerous cells. As a result, stem cells are able to react to a wide range of stimuli coming from any specific point, the body as a whole, or even the surroundings outside. A key finding of this study is that a system exists that not only controls stem cell behavior but also modifies it in response to temperature fluctuations.

According to scientists, hair follicle stem cells may be controlled in a variety of ways, and they provide excellent approaches for studying tissue regeneration. This specific reaction is useful for tying tissue regeneration to environmental changes like temperature. Goosebumps are a quick response to temperature changes, but it’s a two-layered reaction. Although the persistence of the cold can turn into a helpful method for stem cells to recognize that it might be the right time to grow a new hair coat. This is an incredible medical scientific breakthrough for treating hair loss. The link between temperature and stem cells will help researchers create novel hair loss treatments.